Consistent school attendance is a top priority here at Nora Elementary! Students attending school each day helps to ensure they are receiving important foundational skills to help them be successful inside and outside of the classroom setting.
Our school-wide attendance goal for 2024-2025 is:
Nora Elementary students will attend school 97% of days during the school year.
We know that we can accomplish this goal working in partnership with our students and families! Developing good attendance habits in elementary school is important and helps put students on a positive path towards graduation as they get older.
If your student is struggling to get to school or there is a barrier for your family that is preventing your student from attending on a consistent and regular basis, please reach out to our School Social Worker, Mrs. Laura Hakim and she can talk through ways we can help support your student and family.
Attend. Engage. Achieve.
Absence is defined as a student missing all or any portion of the school day, for any reason. There are three types of absences: Excused, Unexcused, and Prearranged. Should your student be absent for any reason, please call the attendance line at (317) 259-8856 before 9:00 am. If your student is arriving late or leaving early for an appointment, please request a note from the dentist, doctor, etc. All notes should be given to the front office for record keeping. Offices may also fax notes to (317) 571-7172.