Greetings Panther Cubs & Families!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. This year brings much excitement for the Nora school community as we are able to enjoy our beautiful building; renovations are complete and our new learning spaces are ready for students and staff!
I am Peter Schlifke (you are welcome to call me Mr. S) and this is my 6th year as the Principal at Nora Elementary. Prior to my arrival, I spent seven years as an Elementary Assistant Principal in a neighboring district and I have been thrilled to return to the district that ignited my passion for education. In addition to my role as an educator, I am first and foremost a father and husband. I hope you will get the opportunity to meet my support team: my wife, Sarah, and our young children, William, Emily, Lucia, and Josef. Likewise, I look forward to meeting with you and your family!
Throughout this year, I want to challenge each and every one of you to think about how you can be more aware and involved in the great things occurring every day at Nora. As the founding father Benjamin Franklin was quoted:
“Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me and I may remember. Involve me and I may learn.”
It is an honor to be your Principal and to be a part of the Nora family. Please know that my door is always open to you. I heartily welcome your conversation and positive input and I look forward to celebrating our collective successes.
Working in partnership, we will make 2024-2025 a great school year!
Mr. S